Tuesday, December 4, 2007

DOAEN 12: I Have So Much to Tell You

did I tell you how I feel when you towel me off from the shower like I'm nine years old and about to run downstairs to play? did I tell you how I can be hypnotized by your lips and then I don't listen to whatever it is you're saying? sometimes you smell from cigarettes but sometimes you smell like straw and clover, and did you know I smile to myself on the elevator because I can still feel you inside me? do you know I'd wear anything for you if you asked me to, as long as it wasn't alive, but even if it were, I know you'd make friends with it and feed it dinner? do you know my favorite time of evening is when you call? do you know I've spent more money on underwear since I've known you than I have in the last ten years? do you know how much I enjoy feeling your chest against my nipples and holding your head with my hands? did I tell you when you bought me gloves because my hands were cold I knew everything I needed to know about you in the Quik Stop? Do you know before I met you I believed love only happened to other people in this house near the coast that has brought me here with you with you into you.


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