Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tweety Bird Take2

My feet weigh me down when I want to fly fly apply new mascara to my eyelashes they are curling around my waist I use them to hang on tight.

You look stupid, Syl said as I unwound a long eyelash from around my waist. I like to keep them curled but using the bathroom can be tricky.

The box said the stuff would compliment my style, but I want my style to compliment me and look I can't open my birdy eyes to save my life.

Since I've become an empty nester I want to jump ahoy and do community service, sad state of affairs when Syl's the only one I can talk to.

Where are my babies and their hungry mouths poking me in the face for a crumb from the floor? Have they arrived at the next Bay Laurel tree?

On paper, I'm a single bird. Pieces and parts shoved inside a hierarchy. Elastic rebars of my own tooling. All this writing has taken a toll

Now I've got it uncurl one of my mascara long lashes and use it to slide down the pole fireperson style to the wood bearing of my ancestors.

Another branch except that it's wider and I can wax it with my yellow feet go sliding it's no fun to sit around texting alone. Syl is there.


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